Tuesday, May 10, 2011


A) Have been a 'fan' of  "M*A*S*H" ever since its initial film before the TV program!
B) The 'Hawkeye' character was a doctor drafted to serve during the Korean War in a 4077 M*A*S*H unit:  that's Mobile Army Surgical Hospital.
C) We believe he's from Maine from his latest episodes, but an earlier episode briefly does mention VermontWe'll claim Maine for him!
D) 'Hawkeve' is highly savvy, with a sharp-tongue wit to go along with it.  He pokes fun at his redicament of being 'stuck' in Korea.  That sharp, biting wit probably keeps him sane and to handle the carnage of Amer-i-can soldiers he saw and repaired every day or so..."HELICOPERS COMING!"
E) Everyone, including his fellow doctors and nurses, including the unit CO and any visiting general, fall under his sharp tongue.  BUT, 'Hawkeye' manages to tug at those same hearts sooner or later by the end of any episode during those 11 years of earning intelligent honors.
F)  ...more.....

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


A) Remember when, a few years ago, the Amer-i-can public's TV networks were inundatating you with suggestions on reporting any Mesothelioma cases to law firms to see if "you" qualified to SUE in civil courts?
B) Now...have "you" noticed how many "new"diseases are being advertised on TV suggesting that you initiate a civil suit for a possible medical problem from the past?
C) Who, recently, has been coming up with all of those "new cause and effect" potential civil suits?  Did the source/s of those brainstorming sessions to uncover new civil suits come from an obscure office in downtown New York City, or in a farmhouse, maybe, in Wisconsin?
D) Now matter where, suing in a civil suit court is THE thing to do..."where can we squeeze out a civil case and from what reason somewhere in our past?  SHOW ME THE CASH!"  Of course, a lawyer or three could benefit from the 40% or more they earn from YOUR suit?
E) Hold the cash register:  my 3rd grade teacher once told me, in front of the class, that my painting of a "purple tree" was ridiculous!  Those pangs of embarrassment, just the other day, suddenly popped up in my mind, causing me much anxiety.  "Sue......!"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

6- U. S. REPRESENTATIVE Gabriella Giffords, 8th DISTRICT OF The STATE of ARIZONA....

A) A pure inspiration for all Amer-i-cans.....
B) She left, today by air, to be in attendance FOR her husband's commanding flight this Friday.

C) Her husband, Astronaut Mark Kelly, will command the FINAL Space Shuttle ENDEAVOUR flight this coming Friday, April 29th.......
D) Our very last Amer-i-can shuttle mission for our entire 30-year years of service will be coming up in the near future!
E) Commander Kelly, for the record, will have flown 3 mission trips.
F) Friday, Kelly and crew are headed for the International Space Station, a joint venture with Russia.
G) Neat fact?  Mark Kelly has a TWIN brother, Scott.  BOTH, hey, are astronauts!!!!

H) And his wife, Rep. Griffords, will be there to cheer him on.........


Wednesday, April 20, 2011


A) "Develop some savvy smarts on what to...ignore."
B) What someone "says" about you DOES NOT define who you are!  YOU are in charge of defining yourself.
C) Face it...some people will never appreciate or like you, especially not even knowing you.
D) LEARN what to ignore!  My, your, time is too important to waste on pissants.
E) Remember...when someone "belittles you", THEY are actually the small-minded ones, the "little finks."

F) YOU have a DESTINY...I HAVE a DESTINY!  Why?  Because YOU say so...I say so.

G) Think and soar like an EAGLE?  Crows, ganging up, like to pester a lone EAGLE in the sky.  However, an EAGLE has developed an intelligent solution by soar waaay up in the sky, far above the dinky crows. 
H) Conclusion?  "SOAR LIKE AN EAGLE" in your life!!  Try it 'cause it's free....

Sunday, April 17, 2011

3- RISKS!...On Taking Calculated RISKS In Our Own Lives?.....

A) Some feel that it's definitely NOT a good idea to take a walk in the park...a crazed squirrel may jump on your head, thinking that your hair was on fire!
B) If you don't get involved, take changes, NOTHING wrong will ever happen to you!
C) BUT...others believe, like moi, that "calculated risks" add spice and ingenuity to your life.  And I'm absolutely NOT talking about spur-of-the-moment risks!  Even in "love", if you don't ask her, or him, you'll never know if they do or don't have that 'spacial' tingle inside matching yours.

D) For a good example:  remember during this past year when two BRAVE young people planned and took a RISK to SEE if the group "acorn" was on the up and up?  They used a hidden camera, in a public place, to visually and verbally record an "acorn" worker describing how to "get away" with some definitely illegal acts within their group?  And the unaltered video was played for America to see....!  Results, THE truth about the philosophy was revealed....funds were cut off from the group...people were fired.  To many of us, these two extremely bold young persons were and are our public heroes!!  They set into motion more such exposures during this past year, with, of course, some yelling "unfair!"
By the way, did you see any of our major news media checking into the veracity of other longtime groups?  No, playing it SAFE, for years, is the norm!!
E) ....more.....

Saturday, April 16, 2011


A) Tuesday, April 12th, around 7:00-7:30pm....
B) T'was driving home from a strenuous workout at the Rec Center, rain subsiding.  Suddenly, over my small historic downtown and W&M Campus, the rain parted and sun came out, clear skies in late afternoon in that area!  Darkened skies were still evident east and south.
C) AND...a BOLD, BRIGHT, COLORFUL and VIBRANT R-A-I-N-B-O-W appeared LOW and over the Campus, extending to the edges of town..................
D) ...more....

Friday, April 15, 2011

1- A 6th BLOG!...Visionaries...Surr-Prises And Epiphanies!!....

A) http:  //VisionarySurr-Prises-Epiphanies.blogspot.com  (Makes a 6th blog!)
B) Ever had days when NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING, was going into your "positive" life account?  And what makes "it" even worse?  "It" keeps on and on and on chucking negative stuff into your life account!  No matter what you do, how hard you try to divert or shift the negativism, "they" keep stacking up in that blasted "negative" account.
C) BUT then....along comes something NEAT, a word from someone, a happening, or an ephiphany...and, inside your own very personal "control tower", you GET YOUR 'MOJO' back!  And, remember, that will and should happen more than a few times in your life!!  So...MAKE it work, over and over...that's a part of life.  And you can make it more productive by your frame of mind...right? 
D) "Know and understand the rigors and fun and excitement of life, and you shall...SURVIVE with glee!!!"  (That's an ol' mountains of Virginny adage.)